CA Office Automation

DocAI Document Management System

DocAI Document Management System

Streamline Your Document Workflow

Welcome to the world of DocAI, our cutting-edge Document Management System designed to revolutionize the way businesses handle their documents. With DocAI, you can transform your paper-based processes into efficient digital workflows, improving accessibility, collaboration, and overall productivity. Discover the power of DocAI and unlock the full potential of your document management.

Effortless Document Organization

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual document organization. With DocAI, you can effortlessly organize your documents in a centralized digital repository. Our system allows you to categorize and tag documents based on relevant criteria, making it easy to locate and retrieve files whenever you need them. Spend less time searching for documents and more time focusing on core business activities.

Secure Document Storage

Protecting your sensitive documents is our top priority. DocAI provides a secure and encrypted storage environment, ensuring that your files are safeguarded against unauthorized access and data breaches. Rest easy knowing that your confidential information is stored safely in our state-of-the-art document management system.

Enhanced Collaboration

Collaboration is key to driving productivity and innovation in any organization. With DocAI, you can facilitate seamless collaboration among team members, allowing them to work on documents simultaneously, make real-time edits, and leave comments. Say goodbye to version control issues and disjointed collaboration. Our system enables smooth teamwork and accelerates decision-making processes.

Advanced Document Search

Locating specific documents within a vast collection can be time-consuming and frustrating. With DocAI’s advanced search capabilities, you can find the documents you need in seconds. Our system employs powerful search algorithms that analyze document content, metadata, and keywords to deliver accurate search results. Spend less time searching and more time utilizing your valuable information.

Version Control and Document Tracking

Managing document versions and tracking changes can be a daunting task. DocAI simplifies version control by automatically tracking and organizing document revisions. You can easily access previous versions, view changes, and restore previous iterations if needed. Stay in control of your document history and ensure accuracy and compliance throughout your organization.

Document Management System Features

Manage Documents

Our platform enables you to store an unlimited number of documents, categorized and subcategorized for easy organization and retrieval.

Upload Documents

Our system supports the seamless uploading of various file formats, including PDF, Docs, Excel, PPT, audio files, video files, images of any type, text files, and CSV documents.

Security Features

All files at rest are encrypted using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Audit Trails

Document detailed Audit trails like Who is created, edited, viewed, and assigned permission to which users or roles.

Send Email

You can send an email attached with System Document to anyone.

Document Preview

Preview Uploaded files including audio, video, image, text, pdf, and all the Microsoft Office Documents.

Document access control

Our platform offers the flexibility to assign documents to specific users or roles for a designated period, whether it be a limited duration or an unlimited timeframe. Additionally, you have the option to configure the permissions to allow or restrict document downloads as per your requirements.

Automate Reminder

Our system allows you to set recurring reminders on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly basis, or for specific dates. These reminders can be configured at the system level or directly on individual documents. When the specified time or date arrives, you will receive notifications or emails to ensure you stay informed and organized.

Access Management

Our platform offers a comprehensive privilege control system that allows you to assign role-based or individual user-based authorizations. This means you have full control over granting specific privileges and access levels to different roles or individual users within your organization.

Encrypted Document

All documents are stored in encrypted form on the server. The only system can decrypted document.

Real-Time Notification

As you share Document with Users/Roles, Shared users/ Roles get instant notification.


You can see category-wise documents statistics and Calendar with Reminder.

User Management

Admin can create User and Role via admin panel and assign a role to users.

Experience the Power of DocAI Document Management System

Ready to streamline your document workflow and unleash the potential of your documents? Choose DocAI and experience the efficiency, security, and collaboration our Document Management System provides. Contact us today to learn more about our solution and discover how DocAI can transform your document management practices, improve productivity, and drive business success.

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